Thursday, May 26, 2011

Very, very good dr's appointment!

Okay!  So, this is the most exciting dr's appointment we've had since we found out what the babies were!  I'm am 32 weeks tomorrow! The biggest milestone yet!!  So that's awesome!!  Measurements are remaining the same around 1 cm, (faantastic!)

Last night, Em came to bed and asked me what I thought the babies weighed.  He rattled off his guess at 4 lbs 3 oz and 4 lbs 4 oz, in that order.  Well, lady's and gentlemen, my husband, the fortune teller, was dead on!!  Lena was 4.3 and Liam was 4.4!  I'll do that math for you that is 8 lbs 7 oz of baby :)  They are growing right on time!!  Got some better pictures too, I'll update the blog with them a little later.   Only a few contractions on the monitor, b/c I forgot my medicine and was due for it.  My bad!

Okay, so the super exciting news!!  She is taking me off bed rest at 35 weeks, THANK THE LORD!!  So that means I have three more weeks to lay here and then I can get off the couch and out of the house.  Then, she's removing my cerclage at 36 weeks.  And then!  The babies are scheduled to be delivered by c-section on July 5 (37 wks and 4 days) at 7:30 a.m.  Assuming, I don't go into labor before then :) :) :) :)  Doctor is excited, we are excited, nurses are excited!  Can't flippin' wait!!


  1. awesome news!!! it would be even more awesome if they were born on july 4th

  2. They could be, they just don't schedule on holidays. :)
