Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Summer Plans.. :) And a question for seasoned momma's!

Okay, so I'm bored.  So, while I'm stuck here in pregnancy prison, I'm mentally making a list of my plans for this summer.  And though some of you may think I'm crazy for making plans because you think I'm going to be incredibly sleep deprived, and yes, I agree, we will be incredibly sleep deprived, I will tell you this, I'm not going to be stuck in the house.  After I recover from my c-section and as long as my babies are home and healthy, I am not going to be a mother that stays in her house for weeks at a time, especially since my whole pregnancy has been spent practically on the couch.  There will be days where I'm sure I won't leave the house, where plans will fall through, and I just won't have the energy or the drive to leave.  So, keep your negative opinions to yourself please, b/c whether or not these plans happen, there is nothing wrong with me making a list of things I hope to do this summer.

1.  Ha, have two healthy babies!! :)  Obviously, that is the first and most important plan of my summer!
2.  Recover from my c-section, and try to get some type of game plan down when it comes to the care of Liam and Lena.
3.  WALK!!!!!!  I'm going to put these babies in the double stroller, Wesson on a leash, and walk, walk, walk.  I'm losing strength and circulation in my legs and I will get it back!  I'm going to waste no time!  I also haven't put on a whole lot of weight, so I'm hoping between having the twins, breastfeeding, and being active, I can lose the pregnancy weight and then some while the weather is nice this summer.
4.  Go to the fair!  My twin momma, me, and Em are going to take our twins to the fair and walk around and EAT :)  No rides this year though, haha.
5.  Spend a lot of time outdoors, can't wait for those warm, summer nights.  The babies won't get too hot and neither will I.  Maybe go see my Indiana family for a day trip in WI.
6.  To to Indiana to see my family out there. :)

Time is dwindling before the twins are here.  I have things to do, like pack a bag.  Any of you mom's have suggestions on what to pack?  Especially if you were a c-section momma.  I've already found a nursing gown and robe I want to pack for after my surgery, b/c I hate hospital gowns.  But, what about those little things that you wouldn't think of unless you've actually been through it?  Please leave suggestions in my comment box, preferably, or if you can't post a comment, on my facebook.  I'm hoping the babes come home with us, so what do I pack for them too??


  1. Don't forget to pack your toiletries. You will be so excited to brush your teeth, take a shower, SHAVE YOUR LEGS! lol And it's a lot easier to get that first good shower while you're in the hospital with the nurses to help with the babies while you're in there. Other than that, you won't need much for yourself. I recommend a warm pair of socks though...even though it will be warm out, hospitals are historically cold. And your hormones will be all over the place after you give birth. Get the warm fuzzy socks and maybe you can leave your slippers at home :)

    For the babies...their outfits to go home in, and Em will need to bring the car seats into your room before you leave. Most hospitals require visual proof that your have them. Any items they require while in the hospital, the hospital will supply.

    And a word to the wise...when you are packing your bags to go HOME, take EVERYTHING. Anything you leave in the room is thrown away. So that nose suctioner, take it. Baby blankets...take them. It sounds silly, but you'll be surprised how nice it will be to have a spare...even if you already have the spare!

    Oh...one more thing. Take a small CD player and CDs if possible. It will be good for you and the babies both to have some relaxing music you enjoy in the room...and if you just take your Ipod, the babies can't listen!

    Everything you take should fit in a backpack. I hope this helps!!

  2. Be wary of taking your robe and nightgown...even though you're having a c-section you will still be bleeding and it might not be so fun, I literally wore a tank top (yes, in feb) and pajama pants...I'm not saying don't take it, just, don't be sad if it gets ruined. Your cell phone and charger..

    I also agree...take everything!! The burp cloths blankets, diapers, wipes, everything :P

    I think your plans sound great. I know you want to get out, just don't beat yourself up if you can't get out or just plain don't want to. Those first weeks are hard, it gets better, but I can't imagine having to pack 2 babies up to leave the house!! Haha...you'll get the hang of it and it will get better.
