Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Why I won't stop posting about autism awareness..

"Autism is part of my son, and therefore part of our entire family.."

I feel like every day when I get on Facebook, I see posts about autism.  Autism blogs, autism in the news, autism ecards, it's everywhere.  When autism became part of my son's life, it became part of mine.  I sometimes feel like I'm living in an "autism bubble."  I research all the new theories, read Warrior Mom boards, look for things that can help my son.  I am aware of autism.  But the question is, are you?

I won't stop posting about autism, because I realize that there are people out there, who unlike me, don't follow all the latest news.  Their lives aren't closely touched by autism or autism spectrum disorders.  They only hear what is blown up on national television.  They don't search for it, like I do, looking for the latest information on how to make life easier for their loved one. The truth is there are parents out there of "typical" children, who sit down to the evening news every night, maybe check out CNN.com a couple times a week, and read their local newspaper every morning at breakfast.  These parents are probably not aware of autism.  And to be honest, I don't know that if I wasn't an autism parent, that I would be as aware either.

So, pardon all my posts on Facebook about autism and autism awareness month.  Autism awareness month is not for me, and it might not be for you.  You might be in the autism bubble with me!  Autism Awareness is for the people in the world, who don't get up and search for the latest news and blog posts about autism.  The people who only hear about it when the media spreads a story here and there. Which is many more people than you'd think!

I hope that you can help spread the awareness about autism and that you won't block me from your news feed!!  I might be able to share something that you didn't know, that could help a friend whose child is newly diagnosed.  You might be able to share something with me!  Knowledge is wealth.