Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Marquez Surprise!

After a weekend away, living it up with other Mom's of Multiples, at our annual state convention (my first one), I came home refreshed and exhausted all at the same time.
My roomie Kelly and I at Friday Night's Masquerade!

That Monday night, I had a meeting, and after picking the kids up from the babysitter's house, I had a random round of "I think I'm going to throw up" as I loaded them into the car.  Crap, that's way too familiar, I thought.  I texted Em, who was working, and told him maybe I should take a test.  Staring at the wall of pregnancy tests the next day, I thought to myself, what am I doing??? This is crazy!! 

I went home, and while the kids were napping, I took the first test.  A generic Target brand, because I was far to cheap, and in a little bit of denial to really think it mattered!  It was an immediate positive.  I checked the directions twice to make sure I was seeing the results correctly.  I came out and told Em, who I'm pretty sure didn't understand why I was panicking.  Another baby?  Right now?  No way, we have two babies!  We were going to wait a few years!  Not possible!  It took so long to get pregnant with the twins, how on earth could it have happened so unexpectedly with this one!  Em didn't believe the results, and went out and purchased a digital test.  Which came back "pregnant"  It was real.  Well kind of, at 10 weeks, I still feel like it's not real yet.   

So anyways!  We are surprised, overwhelmed (well mostly me), excited.. I've been feeling pretty icky, no where near as bad as I was with the twins.  Functioning as a mother of two toddlers, while growing a baby is tough work.  I'm tired and nauseous all day long.  We have had our first ultrasound, in which they confirmed what I already knew, that there is only ONE baby.  So people can stop asking me "what happens if it's twins again?"  I don't have a preference on boy or girl, I just want a healthy baby and a health pregnancy.  I think my anxiety lies with "what happens if this is a repeat HORRIBLE pregnancy?"  Bed rest would be nearly impossible this time around.  I'm leaving it all in God's hands, and the doctor feels confident my complications before were multiple birth related.  

So here are the details.  We are 10 weeks today.  The baby is get ready for this.. due 6/23/13, yes.. if you remember the twins' birthday, that would be 6 days after they turn 2.  I will have a scheduled c-section around 39 weeks, and since my dr does surgeries on Tuesday's, that would possibly put me delivering on 6/18/13.  Exactly 2 years and a day after Liam and Lena were born.  I'll blog thru this pregnancy like I did my last.  :)  Happy Reading.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Haven't blogged in awhile :)  But in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I would count my blessings!

1.  My husband and my children.  Without them every day would be wasted, they keep me grounded and give my life a purpose.  I'm not just Amber, I'm Emilio's wife and Liam & Lena's Mama, which is pretty awesome!!

2.  I'm thankful for food on the table, a roof over my head, and our new van that gets my family from place to place safely.

3.  I'm thankful for the rest of my family, including my sisters.  Pretty sure I drive them crazy, but that's what sisters are for!!

4.  I'm thankful for the amazing friends God has blessed me with, their unending support, the laughter we've shared, the long chit chats on the phone, and the ability to keep in touch even if they've moved out of state.  I love that they love me, and my family.  And that their children are built in friends for mine.  When my kids were born, they had several friends already!

5.  I'm thankful for my cell phone, my computer, and all other social networks that allows me to keep in touch with people I don't get the chance to see every day :)

6.  I'm thankful for my husband's job, the benefits we get, and the satisfaction he gets from doing his job!

Okay, so the list could go on and on.  These are things I think of on a regular basis, I'm sure I've skipped several important things.  But the truth is, I'm so very blessed!!  Life presents its daily challenges, but that's what life does.  If it were too easy, how boring and imperfect that would be!!  Liam and Lena are doing wonderful, they celebrated their 17 month birthday on the 17th, which also was National Prematurity Awareness Day.  My preemies are so incredibly not preemies anymore!!  And that is one thing I am continuously grateful for!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and family!!  Enjoy your day, it's not about the food and the prep work, it's about seeing those you don't get to see, and sharing stories and jokes you don't get to every day!  I love holidays like this. :)

Monday, October 8, 2012

You're gonna miss this..

You're going to want this back.  You're going to wish these days, hadn't gone by so fast, these are the good times.. so take a look around, you may not know this now, but you're gonna miss this...

Those snuggly baby moments, with them both on my chest, where did they go?  They seem so long ago, I can hardly remember the first three, long, tired months!.. I used to listen to this song, and BAWL!  And now, these two children are running around, getting into things, hiding my cell phone, banging on my computer and inputting weird codes.  Touching EVERYTHING, usually after I put it away.

Lena is full of that girly attitude, and honestly I can't say where she got it from! ;)  She hits, head butts, screams, pushes, growls, and now licks everything I tell her not to touch (WEIRD!), and of course, throwing things.  She does the trust fall thing when she is told no.  Do terrible two's start before 16 months? Lena's newest word "Ball" clear as day :) She points to her nose and her belly button, and loves to brush my hair and her's.  Ring around the Rosie is a big hit in this house!

Liam is Liam, calm, complacent, with a few moments of frustration!    Liam's new skill, RUNNING!  CRAP!  I've never been a runner, so I'm in trouble b/c this child is quick and agile!  Maybe he'll have the athleticism I've always wanted!  He explores everything, and has the GREATEST GIGGLE!

The song is great reminder that this too (the tantrums, body slams, smacks, screams..) shall pass, and I need to cherish every moment, happy or not!  Because I am going to miss this!! I'm such a proud Momma :)

My weight loss is a fluctuating battle, and I've actually forgot to share that I have indeed hit my first goal! 199!!! :)  I've actually been fluctuating between 197-199.  Liam got strep last week which threw the workout routine to the wolves, and I'm trying to regain control!  The saying "a moment on the lips means eternity on the hips.." well that's a true statement for me.  My blog and my posts def keep me in check, b/c I know there are people out there thinking about and praying for me, ok, well I think there are, and that's motivation enough for me!!  Thanks all!

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Comedian Upstairs

Also known as the Miracle Maker, Author of Life, the Creator, Father... God.  I have always said he has a way about things, a way that will constantly surprise you.  A way that will teach you more about yourself than you could ever learn without him.  He shows you your strengths, reminds you of your weaknesses and still loves you for them.  So why do I call him the Comedian Upstairs?  I also believe that God has a sense of humor, in fact, I know that he does...

If you know me, you most likely know that twins do run in my family.  So close in fact, I can prove to you that the "twins skip a generation" statement is a load of bull.  My younger sisters, Sarah and Rachel, who by the way are probably going to roll their eyes at this blog post, are indeed identical twins.  I love them, they are my best friends.  We've been through a lot together, and I will always have their back, always.  However, growing up with them as sisters was hard.  As an adult, I probably sound bitter.  Bitter is not my intention, but most of my childhood was shadowed with the fact that I was their sister.  My name went out the window when we started working together in HS, and most people would jump to ask how the "twins" were before they even asked me how I was.  I was jealous of the attention they got, the "special treatment" I felt that they got when I was younger.  I won't deny it.  It was hard growing up fighting for attention.  *Sarah and Rachel can insert an eye roll here*  It was nothing they did, it wasn't their fault.  They just came out of the womb on the same day looking exactly alike that did it!  I made it known I was not happy about being their older sister, and that it was "unfair" that they got more attention than I did..  Okay.. I'm rambling.  So this leads me to why God is a funny guy...

I grew up making it known, I would never.. Never...NeVeR... never...ever have twins.  Catch my drift.  When I took a pregnancy test waaayyy early, and it came out positive, my hubby joked with me.  When I was puking my guts out 7 times a day, my hubby joked with me....I said heck no.. I actually told my own mother to shut up when she called me the day of my ultrasound, suggesting it may be twins.  "Mom, shut up, there is only ONE baby in here."  *Sigh*  When the screen flashed two sacs, I think I had a mini heart attack.  How could this be?  Not me, I said I would never have twins.  It took us so long, how on earth is it possible?  And the worst part, having to hear from everybody, how funny your sisters are twins, and yet YOU are the one having twins.  Second worst part was telling everybody they had been right all along...God's funny idea, my twins being born on Sarah and Rachel's birthday... yes it happened.

See, I think God is a funny guy, b/c I had for so long hated the idea of having two babies at once.  I had lived through it from a sibling perspective.  But now I thank God everyday for these two babies he gave me. He has a funny way of teaching you about yourself.  He has taught me I have the patience of a saint, and to let go of a little control and ask for help.  He has even humbled me enough to beg for it.  He has shown me in his hilarious tactic that my husband and I are an amazing team.   What would I do without these two babies?  Being a multiple mom is a new part of my identity.  I've gone from being the "twins' sister" to a "mother of twins"  He has a funny way of putting people into your life you never thought you'd relate too.  I've met so many wonderful women, just because I have the twin connection.  He's shown me what a gift two babies at once can be.. He's turned my frown upside down, because each day with them has been incredible.  Sometimes, it's a range of emotions I didn't know I could have in one day, joy, frustration, laughter, exhaustion, LOVE.  Each new thing they do, astounds me.  I wouldn't change it, and I know God is upstairs, saying "see I told you it's not as bad as you thought..."

Love my twins, both sets of them :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

15 Months!

I can't believe my kids are 15 months old today!  It seriously blows my mind every day to think of how tiny they started, how small their cries seemed to be compared to now.  Lena weighs 25 lbs 13 oz and is 33 inches long!  Yep, she's pretty much the size of a two year old, and is wearing 18 to 24 month clothing.  She is so funny, learning something new every day.  She loves to clean, and I hope these habits stick around!  She puts everything "away" aka the garbage can, the hamper, the bath tub (luckily with no water in it, although the other night, she threw almost an entire load of clean towels in the tub while it was filling) or a little bag that she likes to carry around.  I found my cell phone in it last night!  Her words are "Hiiii," "Gone" and I've heard her say "Boo!"  Constantly jabbering.  Today, she attempted a summersault.  She's crazy!  Mr. Liam is 23 lbs 12 oz and 32.25 inches long!  Can you say, stringbean.  Probably one of the most handsome stringbeans you'll ever see though!  He's for sure coming out of his shell a little bit, starting to jabber a little bit more.  He is finally drinking out of a straw cup, which seems very minor to a non parent, but to us, it's thrilling!  He's so active, always heading for the door!  He's into the t.v., just like his Daddy and nothing makes me smile bigger in the morning than his big grin when Bubble Guppies comes on!  He loves his blankie and his momma.
Lena's totally awesome trick!

That smile will getcha every time!

And then there's this..

Weight: 202.6

Short Term Goal Weight: 199

Distance from Short Term Goal:  3.6

 Long Term Goal Weight: 150

Distance from Goal Weight: 52.6lbs

Total Loss: 3.4 lbs from beginning weight of 206

So this weight loss process quite frankly, sucks.   It's really really hard.  I'm still ever so motivated, but it's devastating when I don't see the difference you want to see.  Patience is a virtue, and that's where my battle has always been with losing weight.  The immediate gratification is sure not there, and with my stupid PCOS, it's 10x more frustrating than it is for a "normal" person trying to lose weight.  I don't want my PCOS to be an excuse, I want to be skinny, I know I can be.  And I feel like this is something I'm really doing for me for once, but also for my kids.  My goal in life is to meet my great grandkids, and I'm afraid I won't if I don't lose some of this weight.  So, even though my results are as slow as a frickin sloth, I'm sticking to it.  There have already been devastated tears after stepping on the scale, I'm sensitive, that's just the reality.  I'm lucky I have a husband that encourages me, and an amazing group of friends who are standing behind me, cheering me on.  

Here are some touching, inspirational things that have encouraged me this week!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Slowly...but surely

I hit the gym all week (except yesterday and today)  Hubby even came a few times, and I love the motivation he gives me.  His competitive nature definitely comes out in me at the gym!  I love when I have a tad bit more distance than him on the elliptical or better yet, more calories burnt!  I was doing great until yesterday!  I even had showed a huge loss on the scale yesterday morning!  3.2 lbs!  And then rummage happened, and I ate my weight in junk food, delicious food!  In fact, I ate so much, that I felt yucky after b/c I have been watching portions!  So I reweighed myself this morning, as today is my official weight watcher's day!  Another small victory against my fav, pre pregnancy NY and Company jeans!  I got them on (with difficulty) and buttoned!!  Sure they may not be flattering at the moment, but they are buttoned folks!!  A few squats later, and they were were a tad bit more on the comfy side!  Since I missed the gym yesterday and today, I plan on doing the treadmill tonight, aka "dread" mill.  Makes me sweaty and miserable, but hopefully skinnier!  Here are today's stats!

Weight: 204.2 (Was really hoping to keep that at yesterday's 202.6!)

Short Term Goal Weight: 199

Distance from Short Term Goal: 5.2

 Long Term Goal Weight: 150

Distance from Goal Weight: 54.2 lbs

Notice any healthy changes?  
Fitting into a pair of jeans I have been wanting to squeeze into since last summer!

Total Loss: 1.6 lbs

The kids are doing great, same old selves with a tad bit of a cold, still.  They stayed the night at Grandma's house for the first time since November, and gave her quite the night on Friday.  Em and I went on our first date since their last sleepover at Grandma's!  Which was fun, but after rummage sale set up, we were pretty zonked!  Life lately,  I'm really struggling with picky little eaters!  Soon, I fear I will look at my children and no longer see little people, but little chicken nuggets!  In fact, as I write, I'm thinking about what dinner I will tackle tonight.  In fact, it's dinner time, and I should probably put blogging aside :)  Thanks for checking in!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

A potential new hobby?

Working out?  Who would have thought?  After 6 days of going to the Y, I am surprised that I can actually say, I want to go.  I know, it's a miracle right?  Considering I was the girl who HATED gym class.  You couldn't force me the run that damn mile, even if you tried.  I'm trying really hard to get healthy, eat right (the biggest challenge) and be active (the second biggest challenge).  My biggest obstacle will probably be the kids, in that with going to the Y, they are going to be around more germs, which means more illness.  After 6 days, we already have two runny noses and coughs.  Anyways, I hope by blogging about my weight loss, I might even be more motivated then I already am.  So here I am, for the whole world to see, I'm going to try to post weekly stats.

Weight: 205.8

Short Term Goal Weight: 199

Distance from Short Term Goal: 6.8 

 Long Term Goal Weight: 150

Distance from Goal Weight: 55.8 lbs

Notice any healthy changes?  Sleeping much more soundly already!

The kids are doing great!  Both are walking, which I've already posted.  That's been a lot of fun!  It's really neat to walk them into places instead of getting out that big ol' stroller!  The little things, I know.  My mom is taking them overnight next Friday, which means I have a date night with my hubby!  It'll be our first night alone since November, yes, first night in 10 months!!!!!!  I'm really looking forward to a night out without worrying about their bedtime!  We've had a few play dates this week!  Our favorite place is Sapora :)  The twins have a lot of fun with other twin's.   Liam also had a split lip, which is no fun at all.  Poor buddy!  Anyways, this momma is out!  Gots lots to do on this rainy day, and that includes keeping two kiddos entertained and busy while doing some housework :)  

Our first major boo boo =(

Lena's new best friend, she won't put Violet down!

Our twin friends!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Life with Two Walkers..

More bumps, more bruises.
More laughter, more tears.
Higher places to get into..
like the bathroom counter
(where on earth did they put my brush!)
Misplaced sippy cups and toys.
which can be found in the bathtub!
Better skills at climbing..
like the couch (to pound on Mom's laptop)
Child proofed cabinets, stove knobs.
One nap, prayers that it's a good, long one!
Ring a Round the Rosie and getting dizzy.
Even less Momma free time than before!
 More episodes of Bubble Guppies to keep them grounded in one place..
if only for a short amount of time.
Pickier eaters, bigger appetites for growing bodies!
An obessesion with climbing stairs.
More playdates and trips to the park
(even if the only interest is eating woodchips!)
More sibling rivalry, much more sibling rivalry!
And more fun than ever before!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

One of God's cruelest jokes on a parent: Teething

Wouldn't it be easier to just be born with teeth?   That way, babies don't have to go through excruciating physical pain which causes their parents excruciating mental and emotional pain.  This week has been ROUGH.  The twins are popping teeth left and right so it seems, and I am seriously about to rip my hair out. Between the crabbiness, the lack of napping, the screaming, I am about to pack my bags and head to Timbuktu for a couple of days.  This would be the place my mom promised me we'd go back in the day, I don't even know, is it a real place?  I'll put that on my list of places to google.  Thank goodness for the tv! I know the golden rule is not to let your children watch tv until at least two years of age.  Well, let me say this, the person that came up with that rule did not have multiples.  Today, tv has been the only thing to keep them focused and quiet on something.

On a happy big note!  Liam is almooooost a walker.  So close!!  Still working on a few balance issues, but in a week, Em and I will have two one year old walkers on our hands!  I will say this, Lena is covered in bruises now that she is walking.  They fall at the tip of the hat, into each other or into something.  I feel terrible!  Nothing else new in our house, but I'll share this week's quieter, happier, non teething moments!!

Watching toons in our P.J.'s

Lena's first pig tails!

This boy sure loves his Momma :)

Liam & Lena's 2nd visit to the fair!

Excited to see Sheep!

So excited, she clapped :)

Last year's and this year's caricature!

Spent some time outside, helping Daddy

He likes to push the car, and she likes to drive it, it works out!

Who stole the cheddar bunnies from the cheddar bunny box!

Like a lil' old man and his walker :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Confessions of a Seasoned Waitress...

After going to college, working my ass off, and completing my degree in elementary education, I was incredibly heartbroken when the teaching career didn't come as easily as I'd imagined.  I grew up with the mindset that you graduate high school with good grades, get into a good college, graduate with good grades, get a job, get married, get the dream house, and then have kids.  Ha, WRONG.  God does not work according to your timeline.  Although I did graduate high school, college, all with good grades, and got married to my high school sweetheart, the time line of my twenties has been incredibly skewed in a completely unexpected direction.  It's been four years since I graduated, and I have not had the opportunity to put my degree to use.  Shortly after deciding that we wanted kids, I was diagnosed with PCOS (I've blogged about it before), and we decided that job or no job for me, we should probably start a family sooner rather than later.  Then.. we got the two for one deal, and that in so many words, completely changed our plan.  Now, I'm a stay at home mom, and my husband works.  To bring in extra cash, I became a Thirty-One Consultant, which I love to do.  I also started waitressing back at the restaurant I grew up working at. The same one my mother and sisters have worked at in the past.. So here comes the "point" of my blog.

Confessions of me, the seasoned waitress...

  1. We are not here for fun, we are here to work and earn money to help support our families.  We make $4.75 an hour, some waitresses in other states makes much less than that.  We depend on the money you give us. We don't serve you b/c we feel like it.  Although I do like chit chatting and getting to know my customers, I do appreciate the money you give me too.  That means I can bring it home and put it towards good use.  
  2. We are human, we have feelings and emotions.  How dare you be rude to me?  I am not your servant, I am your server.  Don't run me ragged and then walk out with leaving a dime.  Don't say rude things and expect them to bounce off, b/c I, like you, am human.  You can hurt my feelings, sometimes you've made me cry.. Do I walk into your place of employment and do that to you?  Didn't think so!
  3. I am not deaf or blind.  I can see you roll your eyes when I ask you to help me grab your plate to keep me from dropping the four others I have on my serving tray.  I can hear you rudely exhale and whisper.  
  4. If the food is bad, please tell me.  Ugh, don't eat it and then complain and expect it to be for free.  And don't stiff me, take it up with the cook, he cooked it, not me.  Oh, the prices in the menu, I had no say in them.  My boss did, would you like to speak to him?  
  5. My title as a waitress does not take away from the smart, intelligent, kind, caring, funny person that I am.  It does not make me any less than you, it does not mean I don't have brains.  I have a college degree that I worked hard for.  It does not mean I'm a failure, my mom practically raised us on a waitressing paycheck, and I think she did a great job.  The women and men in this profession come from all different backgrounds and they are no different than the customer at the other end.
So there you have it, after a long shift full of rude customers, I had to get that off my chest!  Thanks for listening!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We have a walker!

Lena took her first steps awhile back, but now she is walking everywhere!!!  This will be a lifestyle change for sure! I'm looking forward to being able to go outside and letting them run around, oh and putting Lena is dresses without having to tuck them in her bloomers so she can crawl! :)  I have already learned quickly, that getting them out of a room or something they aren't supposed to be in is going to be a rotating chore!  Take her out, she walks back in, get her out, Liam crawls back in!  Liam has taken some steps, but I really think it's a matter of inconvenience for him!  Why walk when you can just be carried?!  When that kid gets his balance down, he is going to run.

Thirty-One has been going well, slowing down a bit.  I love doing it, keeps me busy and connected with adults :)  I've been enjoying some family nights, which I equally enjoy :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

What I'd do with a million dollars...

Oh, what I'd do... I've been thinking a lot about this.  What would I do if we played the lotto and won millions?  How would that change our lives?  I can tell you the first thing I'd do with a million dollars is pay off everyone we owe, house, car, student loans, credit cards (the root of ALL evil), ect, and never owe anyone ever again.  never..ever..ever..ever.. NEVER AGAIN!  Then, I think we'd start with a house, we'd buy a big house with a big yard for our kids and our pets, one that they could spend all day in and be content.  Then, we'd go with a bigger car, so that getting around and going on trip wouldn't be so cramped!  I'd pay off my family's debt, and make sure they were taken care of, of course.  Start a wonderful college fund for our kiddos...

And then.. I jump back to reality.  I remind myself, I probably won't ever win a million dollars, we are probably always going to owe someone money, and no matter what, our children will be taken care of.  I think of all of the things a million dollars couldn't buy me.  The sound of my kids greeting me in the morning with a huge grin (which is usually way too early, but that's life), the stability I have in my relationship with my hubs, the inside jokes and years of laughter with all of my close friends.. The family I have around me...Money couldn't buy me these things.. these things are (Cue the Visa commercial) priceless.. 

"My favorite things in life don't cost any money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time."

Money couldn't buy me these memories, or the ones I have had or will have...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Seeing lots of MoM's and Twins in my Future!

I am so excited that in the next year, I am going to have a few opportunities to meet other MoM's!!  In October, I am hoping to go to the State Convention for my MoM's group!  Masquerade and all!!!  I can't wait! It will be my first weekend away from the twinnies, which will be bittersweet, a time for me, but a time I will miss them of course!  Then, in November, I am planning on spending a day in Chicago with some other MoM's from all over the country, including a few from my Facebook MoM's group!!!!!!!!!!!!!  AND THEN!! I'm planning it already, but next year, we are taking Liam & Lena, and my sisters Sarah & Rachel to the Twin's Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio!  How fun will that be?!  I'm already looking up hotels and stuff, and can't wait until they announce next year's theme!!

My Twin's Festival 2013 Crew!!!!  

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sick of Sickness!

For the past three weeks, the kiddos have been sick!!  Fevers, coughs, snot, and now a rash have all made their way into our house!!  One is enough, but two, good grief!!  I'm looking forward to when my kids feel back to their normal selves.  They are for the most part, still can be a little fussy, and a little more tired than normal!!  

Early bedtime!
Watching Bubble Guppies with "Bankie"
Snuggles with Momma makes everything better!
This is how I feel this morning.
Relaxing in the morning
Today we dealt with a rash on Lena's upper body.  Possibly allergic to the amoxicillin she was given for her sinus infection, not sure!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

MoM :)

God has blessed me with the challenge, the joys, the up's, the down's of having multiples.  While there are so many "up's", there are a lot of "down's" that I have battled.  Not only am I a first time mother, I'm a first time mom with two babies.  That's not exactly standard!  I have battled with the questions regarding whether or not I give each one of them enough of me.  Do I split my time equally?  Do I hold them the same amount of times?  These questions are emotional questions for me.  Many first time Mom's have one baby to hold and to bond and to cuddle with, while I got two, to hold, cuddle, and instead move onto the needs of the next one.  And that's hard!  It's something only another multiple mom would understand.  God blessed me with the most amazing man to stand by me, to be strong when I'm not, to be positive when I'm negative, and vice versa.  We are the perfect team.  God also blessed me with an amazing group of women, women who for better sake of terms "get it"  My friend Beth and I were pregnant together, delivered our twins just two weeks apart, we've shared joys, we've shared exhaustion, we've shared frustrations, and we've shared triumphs.. But I was also led to a group of amazing women in my area and funny enough, a group on facebook :)  I feel like this connection we have, this mothering multiples connection, makes us special.  I feel like not only do I have instant friends, my kids will too.  Today, I was reminded of this blessing at my MoM's (and if you do not have a clue what this term means, b/c I'm sure I will use it often, it stands for mom's of multiples) family picnic.  Seeing my twins with other sets of twins is soo cool, they are instant friends, and I hope they will have them for years to come!

Levi & Lucas, Summer & Poppy, Liam & Lena.  It's fun to be one!  MMORE Picnic, July 22nd, 2012

Whether near or far, wherever Drew & Trey are and wherever the Army takes them, always best friends!  June, 2012

It's upside down, ha, I know, but I couldn't resist this one.  I forget how small they were, and how easy it was to take their picture!!!  February 3rd, 2012, shortly before our friends moved to VA.

That's all for today :) It was a fun day, kids went to bed early.  I sat down and caught up on DVR'ed shows, had a drink, and now I think I'm calling it a night.  Em is working, and I'm looking forward to when he crawls into bed, so it's not so cold!!  Our new bedroom, downstairs is freezing!!!!!!!!!!