Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Momma's Day (to me too!)

Happy Mom's Day to all the Momma's in my life.  I'm blessed with a great mother, and today reminded me of how lucky I am to have her!

I woke up this morning to roses and a card from Em and my babies. :)  He's the best!
Love you babe!

Since I'm on living on the couch these days, my mom, Sarah and Rachel, Aunt Adrienne, and Grandma all came over!  It was really fun, Sarah (who was an incredible help this weekend around my house) made spaghetti and Rach brought over yummy carrot cake (she helped a lot too on Saturday!)  My dad gave me a card, and Sarah gave Rachel and I our first Mother's Day gifts.  A book and stuffed Momma bear to go with the book, in which she wrote a note on the inside.  That was exciting!  Anyways, I'll keep the summation of my Mother's Day short!  Here are a few highlights of the day!!

Probably the best picture of all of us in years!
Aunt Adrienne, Grandma, my mom
Rachel (and lil' baby), me (and twins), and Sarah :)

Had to throw this in here, the company exhausted Wesson!

Looking very much forward to next year's Mother's Day!!!  It'll be a whole different ball game!  Three babies in the family, lots to celebrate!!  Hope all of you had a great one too!

Baby Update:  MOVING LIKE CRAZY :) :) :)

1 comment:

  1. Im glad we could spend today all together!! Love u ver much :)
