Monday, October 8, 2012

You're gonna miss this..

You're going to want this back.  You're going to wish these days, hadn't gone by so fast, these are the good times.. so take a look around, you may not know this now, but you're gonna miss this...

Those snuggly baby moments, with them both on my chest, where did they go?  They seem so long ago, I can hardly remember the first three, long, tired months!.. I used to listen to this song, and BAWL!  And now, these two children are running around, getting into things, hiding my cell phone, banging on my computer and inputting weird codes.  Touching EVERYTHING, usually after I put it away.

Lena is full of that girly attitude, and honestly I can't say where she got it from! ;)  She hits, head butts, screams, pushes, growls, and now licks everything I tell her not to touch (WEIRD!), and of course, throwing things.  She does the trust fall thing when she is told no.  Do terrible two's start before 16 months? Lena's newest word "Ball" clear as day :) She points to her nose and her belly button, and loves to brush my hair and her's.  Ring around the Rosie is a big hit in this house!

Liam is Liam, calm, complacent, with a few moments of frustration!    Liam's new skill, RUNNING!  CRAP!  I've never been a runner, so I'm in trouble b/c this child is quick and agile!  Maybe he'll have the athleticism I've always wanted!  He explores everything, and has the GREATEST GIGGLE!

The song is great reminder that this too (the tantrums, body slams, smacks, screams..) shall pass, and I need to cherish every moment, happy or not!  Because I am going to miss this!! I'm such a proud Momma :)

My weight loss is a fluctuating battle, and I've actually forgot to share that I have indeed hit my first goal! 199!!! :)  I've actually been fluctuating between 197-199.  Liam got strep last week which threw the workout routine to the wolves, and I'm trying to regain control!  The saying "a moment on the lips means eternity on the hips.." well that's a true statement for me.  My blog and my posts def keep me in check, b/c I know there are people out there thinking about and praying for me, ok, well I think there are, and that's motivation enough for me!!  Thanks all!

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