Thursday, August 16, 2012

One of God's cruelest jokes on a parent: Teething

Wouldn't it be easier to just be born with teeth?   That way, babies don't have to go through excruciating physical pain which causes their parents excruciating mental and emotional pain.  This week has been ROUGH.  The twins are popping teeth left and right so it seems, and I am seriously about to rip my hair out. Between the crabbiness, the lack of napping, the screaming, I am about to pack my bags and head to Timbuktu for a couple of days.  This would be the place my mom promised me we'd go back in the day, I don't even know, is it a real place?  I'll put that on my list of places to google.  Thank goodness for the tv! I know the golden rule is not to let your children watch tv until at least two years of age.  Well, let me say this, the person that came up with that rule did not have multiples.  Today, tv has been the only thing to keep them focused and quiet on something.

On a happy big note!  Liam is almooooost a walker.  So close!!  Still working on a few balance issues, but in a week, Em and I will have two one year old walkers on our hands!  I will say this, Lena is covered in bruises now that she is walking.  They fall at the tip of the hat, into each other or into something.  I feel terrible!  Nothing else new in our house, but I'll share this week's quieter, happier, non teething moments!!

Watching toons in our P.J.'s

Lena's first pig tails!

This boy sure loves his Momma :)

Liam & Lena's 2nd visit to the fair!

Excited to see Sheep!

So excited, she clapped :)

Last year's and this year's caricature!

Spent some time outside, helping Daddy

He likes to push the car, and she likes to drive it, it works out!

Who stole the cheddar bunnies from the cheddar bunny box!

Like a lil' old man and his walker :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, Mollie is teething too, and it sure does suck. I feel your pain momma!

    On another note: I LOVE LENA'S PIGTAILS. I cannot wait for Mollie to have enough hair to do this. :) Love it!

    I love the car picture of them. It's so perfect for Liam who likes to push everything! It was made for them. :)

