Sunday, July 29, 2012

What I'd do with a million dollars...

Oh, what I'd do... I've been thinking a lot about this.  What would I do if we played the lotto and won millions?  How would that change our lives?  I can tell you the first thing I'd do with a million dollars is pay off everyone we owe, house, car, student loans, credit cards (the root of ALL evil), ect, and never owe anyone ever again.  never..ever..ever..ever.. NEVER AGAIN!  Then, I think we'd start with a house, we'd buy a big house with a big yard for our kids and our pets, one that they could spend all day in and be content.  Then, we'd go with a bigger car, so that getting around and going on trip wouldn't be so cramped!  I'd pay off my family's debt, and make sure they were taken care of, of course.  Start a wonderful college fund for our kiddos...

And then.. I jump back to reality.  I remind myself, I probably won't ever win a million dollars, we are probably always going to owe someone money, and no matter what, our children will be taken care of.  I think of all of the things a million dollars couldn't buy me.  The sound of my kids greeting me in the morning with a huge grin (which is usually way too early, but that's life), the stability I have in my relationship with my hubs, the inside jokes and years of laughter with all of my close friends.. The family I have around me...Money couldn't buy me these things.. these things are (Cue the Visa commercial) priceless.. 

"My favorite things in life don't cost any money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time."

Money couldn't buy me these memories, or the ones I have had or will have...

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