Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Life with Two Walkers..

More bumps, more bruises.
More laughter, more tears.
Higher places to get into..
like the bathroom counter
(where on earth did they put my brush!)
Misplaced sippy cups and toys.
which can be found in the bathtub!
Better skills at climbing..
like the couch (to pound on Mom's laptop)
Child proofed cabinets, stove knobs.
One nap, prayers that it's a good, long one!
Ring a Round the Rosie and getting dizzy.
Even less Momma free time than before!
 More episodes of Bubble Guppies to keep them grounded in one place..
if only for a short amount of time.
Pickier eaters, bigger appetites for growing bodies!
An obessesion with climbing stairs.
More playdates and trips to the park
(even if the only interest is eating woodchips!)
More sibling rivalry, much more sibling rivalry!
And more fun than ever before!


  1. Your kids are so cute!!! :)

    I am officially following your blog!

    www.papermachedoll.blogspot.com (follow mine!)

