Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Babe, maybe we should pack the bags, just in case!"

Ahh!  Okay, so I'm 33 weeks tomorrow.  :)  That's so exciting!!  I'm so excited, we're so excited!!  I can't wait to meet these babies, I'm not even scared.  I'm just ready!!!  Appointment went great!  Here's the summary! I'm smiling as I write this!!

My mom came to the appointment today, which was very exciting, b/c she hasn't been able to come to very many.  And we got a little bit of extra time to look at the babies, the ultrasound tech is pretty good about that!  Heart rates are great!  Lena, is still head down, and I got to see that hair again!!!  Haha, almost looks like daddy's, little spikes! ;)  Mr. Liam, well, we was my mover today!  He went from a transverse position (horizontal under my ribs) to breech!  We got some great shots of them too, and saw Liam's face for the first time, in weeks, maybe months?  He's a little camera shy.  At one point, he had his little face smooshed up against where the probe was and we got a perfect little view of his pouty lips and his nose (that looks a lot like daddy's!)  They were both suckling, and Lena was sticking her tongue out and yawning.  Just thinking about meeting them, makes me grin from ear to ear.  Here are their ultrasound pics from today! Finally, some good ones where you actually know what you're looking at!
Lena Bean :)

 Mr. Liam

Okay, so in other news!  Today was my last cervical length!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOO!!! I am clearly ecstatic about this, b/c I've been having them done weekly since 17 weeks, and you don't know what a pain that has been, unless you've been through that everrrrrrrrry siinnnngle week!  It is holding out at a little lower than one, so it is starting to shorten, but give me a break, I have 9+ lbs of baby in there!  When I was hooked up to the monitors, I was contracting, stronger before I took my meds, but even still after I took them.  They were about 20-30 seconds long, not anything to be overly excited about.  However, the dr. says she expects that at this point, my uterus is distended past the 40 week point.  She also says, get excited, that if they get stronger and/or longer, to stop eating and drinking, becauuuuuuuuuse, she is going to deliver them from this point on!  No more IV drips or shots to stop labor, no if these babies want to come! They are comin'!!!!  So, with that being said.....

Hubby and I have some things to get ready, hospital bag, car seats, ect!  He's taking me out for a quick outing this week to get some stuff that I'll need, and a few odds and ends that we still need for babies!!  I am so ready, recovery doesn't even scare me like it did days ago!   Part of the my end to the anxiety is the fact that my twin momma, Beth, had her boys, and had a c-section and she is handling it like a champ.  It's so reassuring to have a close friend that has basically been through almost an identical experience.  That's helped A LOT!  I've really been blessed with a lot of close friends that I can talk to about anything with :)

So, next week, we go twice a week!  Monday at 8:45!! I'm sure I'll blog about some random nonsense this weekend!!!!!

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