Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I have a minute!

Okay, I have a few minutes, thanks to my hands free pumping thing, thank God for that since I've been spending 3 hours a day minimum making sure my babes have something to eat while they are up in the NICU.  Anyways!

Day 11 in the NICU.  The babies are feeder/growers, meaning the only reason they are there is to take their feedings out of a bottle.  They both have a feeding tube in, b/c they inconsistently take their bottles.  Liam will take about half of his 47 cc's if we are lucky and the rest gets "gavaged" or goes down his tube.  Lena did very well yesterday, took most of her bottles and breastfed like a pro.  The doctor even lowered her feeding since she had such a huge gain (40 grams) the night before to 40-45 cc's.  Liam had lost 5 grams, so he is still at the 47 cc's.  I have a gut feeling she will be ready to come home before he will, she is just so far ahead of him on some days.  The nurses have reassured me that boys take so much longer than girls.  Liam also had a much rougher start than Lena, he came out with a lower heart rate, needing oxygen.  I'm impatiently awaiting their arrival home and we have been blessed enough to be able to stay in the hospital hotel room, which makes pumping and breastfeeding much easier.  Although, I think our time is running out here b/c there are some other mom's who will be discharged soon that may want it.  We'll see.  Please pray that they are home by this weekend or early next week.  I'd love to have them both home for the 4th of July.

I am doing well, recovery wise.  Feet and legs are very swollen and I have to go back to the doctor for a blood pressure check as it was a little elevated at today's appointment.  I'm trying to wean myself off pain meds so that I can drive.  I've been getting a little sleep, if you call two to three hour increments, enough sleep.  Even though I don't have the babies, I still have to wake up to pump for them.  I'm just very, very anxious to have them home!!!

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