Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"I've seen better days"

Wasn't going to post, but thought I'd fill you in.  Yesterday, I was very uncomfortable, hurt to move from one side to the other, and we actually felt somebody's tiny, little body pushing up against my right side.  Lena's kicking was low and painful.  Liam's was high and continuous.  They're definitely getting bigger!!! Fast, too.  Which is a good thing.

Today, I woke up, my sciatic nerve is killing me no matter what position I am in at this point, whereas before it was when I laid down in bed.  I've been having contractions on and off, especially the closer I get to taking my meds.  Took a shower, and thought I was going to end up calling the doctor b/c they were so close.  I just got out, and am now laying down, timing contractions,  they are 15-30 minutes apart at this point.  Meds seem to be working.  Calling the on call doctor is a one trip ticket to RMH and my doctor's appointment is 12 flippin' hours away.  I want to see my doctor and most of all I want to see my babies' in their ultrasound tomorrow..  It's a big one.

I start fasting tonight, probably about nine, for my 3 hours test... yuuuuuuuuuuck

Friday is such a big day, we've made it to the third trimester (was a little nervous that we wouldn't for awhile) and at 28 weeks, babies have a 90% chance of no long term complications if they decide to make an early appearance.  

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