Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy, Happy Third Trimester Day to Us!!!

Woo hoo!!!  We made it!!  We have successfully made it through the second trimester, got a little tricky there for awhile, and we are moving into our third!! Thank God!! :)  28 weeks today, next goal is 30!!  The even bigger week will be 32, but I'm taking baby steps.  Came across a chart that shows gestational age with average NICU time, you can see that between 28 and 29 weeks, average time in the NICU drops like 15 days! And from there each week is a significant drop in the average time.  Makin' each day count! Like my doctor said to me two weeks ago, each day is a victory :)

ANND.. I passed my glucose test!!!  Woo hoo!! That was a hurdle I was very concerned about since I was diagnosed with PCOS, let alone finding out I was having twins.  I had a few people tell me to take cinnamon, as it helps maintain a healthy sugar metabolism, so for the past month, I have been taking it, and hm! Seemed to have helped!! So yay!!!  That stress is gone, out of my life!  I feel like a small celebration is in order, maybe I'll eat something with sugar and not feel guilty about it! =)  Weather looks beautiful, maybe I'll open some windows.  Can't wait til I can load our babies up in their stroller and go for a nice loooooong walk with Daddy and Wesson :)

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