Thursday, April 28, 2011

"And the doctor says.."

Doctor's Update:  My appointment started at 8:30, after my first (out of four) blood draw, I had to drink that disgusting stuff that tastes and makes you feel worse than the one hour glucose test.  It's 100 g as opposed to the one hour's 50.  So yuck, I was immediately nauseated.  Blood pressure good, haven't gained weight for over a week, stayin' about the same, which is fine with me right now.  So, to cover the glucose test, I'll know my results tomorrow and will post them then.

Had another cervical length ultrasound, unfortunately, my cervix is right back down to about 1 cm.  It was about .9 cm with pressure, soooo.. yeah.. that could have been better.  I told the doctor about the contractions I was having yesterday, and how I definitely feel the weight of the babies.  Basically the past two days, have been rough ones.  However, it is shorter, yes, but it's still posterior, which is good.  I guess the closer to delivery, it begins to move to the anterior position. When I went to RMH, it was more anterior.  So, that's good.  So, good and bad, it's shorter, yes, but still posterior.  If you are confused as to what that means, google it, haha, b/c all I know is that posterior is good.  After she checked me, she monitored me for about an hour, for contractions.  I only had one, so with that, she said, I could go home and wants me back in the office on Monday for annnnnnnnnoooother cervical length and check, and NST (monitoring for contractions, ect).  So, I go back Monday at 9:45.  If I start having more regular contractions or if it gets any shorter, she said she'd probably put me back at RMH (for I'm assuming the long haul) on the magnesium drip.  But for this weekend at least I am home, and she is the on call doctor if I need anything.  Thank goodness.

Baby Update:  I told you I knew they were much bigger!!  At our 24 week growth check, Miss Lena was 1 lb 8 oz and Liam was 1 lb 7 oz.  Today, at our 28 week growth, my daughter is 2lb 13 oz (Almost 3 lbs!) and Liam is a tad smaller at 2 lb 7 oz, gaining exactly a pound.  Their weight is measuring a week ahead of the game (29 weekers) which is great news in case they do decide to premiere earlier than planned!  I am sad to report that my ultrasound pictures were crummy, I don't know if it had to do with me drinking that sugar stuff, or if it was the machine.  The babies were sleepy through most of the ultrasound, they had to be woken up.  I was too after that horrible drink!  Who can blame them? So!  That's great news, they're growing right on track :)  

Em goes back to work today, so it's another 5 day stretch of finding as I like to call them, babysitters.  I've been very lucky this far.  I have great family and friends who have come over and helped me around the house, who have brought me meals, who have watched tv with me, and just visited so that I don't need to get up for anything.  Thanks guys :)  For anyone else, feel free to text me or call, and if you'd like to drop in, I live for visitors when Em is at work!  Even if we just chat on Facebook!

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